Friday, March 27, 2020

New Friends

Meet my new best friends:

Hearing aids! They are sitting in their charger, where they spend the night. I've had them since Tuesday, and since then I haven't had to ask anyone to repeat themselves once. Hooray! Too bad I can't test them out in meetings at the moment, but one day hopefully I will attend a meeting and hear everything that happens.


Jeanette said...

These look very fancy, so good that they are rechargeable. Will no longer be able to talk about you behind your back.

Sue SA said...

Awesome! Nothing more frustrating then not being able to hear properly.

jacaranda said...

Well done getting them, life has been very positive since I got mine, just have to keep reminding DH to lower his voice when speaking to me. On the train and at the shopping centre, I feel as if everyone is shouting.You may notice the difference.