Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Feral Animals

Until a few months ago we had not had rabbits here. There were rabbits around, but they hadn't found our garden. Unfortunately that has changed, and after the initial sighting in spring, there are now often rabbits in the garden. They have obviously done what rabbits do, because in the last week or so there have been tiny rabbits in all corners of the garden.

There are foxes around. I don't know if they are catching any rabbits, but quite a few of our neighbours have lost chickens to foxes over the last couple of months.

When I came in to the loungeroom this morning I glanced out the window and was stunned to see what appeared to be giant rabbits:
I've only ever seen a hare a couple of times before in my life. I've never seen one anywhere near here. But we now have two of them, and judging by the way they were behaving we are going to be overrun with little hares as well as rabbits in a couple of months.


ButterZ said...

Haha, that's sew funny.. RABBIT SEASON....

jacaranda said...

Bunnies aren’t so cute when they eat and destroy all your hard work in your garden. Haven’t seen a hare in ages.

Jeanette said...

And its not even March!

Maria said...

Hmm we also have lots of rabbits as well as foxes.. Thankfully no hares...

Sue SA said...

You will want to do something about the furry critters before you plant any trees...hares like your wallabies just chomp the top off them. Local landcare group might be able to assist. I am surprised your dogs don't scare them off?

Cheryll said...

Oh Nooooo.... you garden must be very inviting...xox

Laura said...

It seems like chickens would be easier for foxes to catch than rabbits. I hope you find a solution. Rabbits eat my daylilies every year, and I have stopped planting tulips and pansies because of them. Every time I see a rabbit in my flowers, I run outside and chase them away. The neighbors must think I'm totally crazy! I used to send my dog out to chase them, but he is old and doesn't seem interested in them anymore. I wish you lots of luck!!

Dianne said...

If my Nana was still alive I would be asking for her Hare Pastie recipe for you!