Monday, December 17, 2018


In the course of looking for something else I came across a piece of fake suede upholstery fabric. It occurred to me that with my new sewing machine I could turn it into a few quick gifts.

The inspiration was my pencil case at the top of this photo. I made it in a workshop at AQC, longer ago than I remembered, in April 2012*. 
There was no pattern, so today I made a prototype based on the finished measurements and my memory of how the original went together.
It was quite an exercise in 3D thinking, but it worked pretty well I think. Everything except the zip was sewn on my new machine. I used the Elna Lotus for the zip, because the zipper foot is one of the feet that was missing from the Janome.

So now I will be using up the rest of the suede fabric making a few more over the next few days.

* I didn't remember what brand of machine the original pencil-case workshop was for, until I found that linked post today. Funnily enough that Pfaff model was one I considered in my recent hunt for a new machine. However there are no Pfaff dealers nearby, and I eventually decided it would be more economical to buy a second hand machine.


Julierose said...

Oh neat repro of your first pencil cas--great use for that suede fabric--beautiful workmanship hugs, Julierose P.S. Zippers and I are not on speaking terms lol

Jeanette said...

The extra tab is an improvement on the original and you have an excuse to play with decorative stitches. Very clever.

Turid said...

So fun to find a fabric and make such practical things.

Pink Rose said...

Hi Vireya love the bags they will make wonderful gifts,hope you have a lovely day my friend .

Pamela said...

Great finish! Such a good idea.