Monday, December 28, 2015

House Today

A friend on the other side of the world asked me about the house this morning, and when I went searching for a picture to send her, I realised I have not taken a picture of the house since moving in! I had to go out and take one for her immediately.
So here is the house this morning.


Cherry said...

WOW - It's great!! Look at all that greenery. I really like the clean lines of the house.

jacaranda said...

Looks terrific, the greenery growing around it looks great also. It's amazing what a few plants can do to the landscape.

Jeanette said...

It's settling in to the landscape very nicely. The greys are great.

Marly said...

It's wonderful: it looks like the start of a wonderful home. It just needs the swing seat surrounded by roses!