Friday, November 30, 2018


The ducks seem to have have stopped laying recently, but when I let them out this morning there were a couple of eggs visible in their straw nest. I opened up that part of their hutch, and discovered that there weren't just two eggs, there were quite a few more hidden in the straw:
Five were turned into scrambled eggs and eaten for breakfast before I thought to photograph the collection. Twenty-one eggs! Those sneaky ducks.

A couple of days ago I said that one variety of dahlia had appeared, but I'd forgotten to note which ones I planted where. Well I know which they are now, as today the other variety is appearing, and it has purple leaves:

That means these ones are Mystic Sparkler, and the first ones to appear were the unnamed orange one that wasn't meant to be orange.


Pamela said...

I haven't seen duck eggs before. Are they the same size as chicken eggs? Do they taste different?

Pink Rose said...

Hi Vireya I haven't tried duck eggs before. They sure are laying well for you.

Julierose said...

Do duck eggs taste different? I love how they look all assembled together--all the color shadings...a nice low volume quilt look, right? LOL
Purple leaved dahlias? You seem to have so many different varieties in your neck of the woods than we have over here...can't wait to see what colors they throw up in blooms,,,hugs, julierose

Sue SA said...

I have never planted Dahlias before and yesterday I accidently pulled the top out of one emerging, thinking it was a weed :( so hoping the rest make their way through OK! So glad I am not the only one who forgets what they plant in their garden!

Jeanette said...

Garden surprises are fun. At least you remembered what varieties of dahlia you planted and they are both going strong.