Saturday, December 9, 2017

Another Christmas Do

This is part of the surroundings of the venue for my latest Christmas break-up lunch:
Beautiful, isn't it?

It is the Warran Glen Garden Centre and Café, which apart from having a large gift shop, a large café, a large garden area, and plants for sale, has a bonus just beyond the Japanese maples:
Can you see what is inside? Quilt fabric!

Clair's Fabrics is an online fabric shop, which has been open as a corrugated iron (rather than bricks & mortar) store here for just 5 weeks. Clair has a fantastic range of fabrics, and made us very welcome. I think a fabric shop in a nursery is just about the perfect combination!

A happy band of quilters sat and sewed, purchased some fabric, ate scones with jam and cream, had some show and tell, and just generally had a great time.

One of our number also made the Gourmet Quilter "What's in the Box Mystery" this year, and this was our first chance to see the two versions together:
Mine on the left, Shirley's on the right.

I was very lucky with my lucky-dip prize:
A beautiful book of garden info and pictures.

It was a long day. This wonderful venue is about 150km from my place, so it's not somewhere I will be visiting frequently.  I broke up the homeward journey by visiting my son, but I was very tired (and happy) by the time I got home.

1 comment:

Jeanette said...

Perfect summary of the day. Just the good bits.