Tuesday, January 5, 2021

New Arrival, and Too Much Stuff

 Apparently one tractor is not enough.

So now this one lives here too.

Here are some boxes. This is my stuff which has been in the shed since we moved in, because there wasn't room in the house for it:

But now the new (old) tractor is in that shed. I could just throw all this out without even looking at it, as it is stuff I haven't touched in over 5 years. But I know that some of it will be things that I have wondered "whatever happened to my [item]? ", or, "I'm sure I have a [something], where is it?" in the time it has been boxed up.

On top of that, I currently have a heap of stuff of Mum's, including a sewing machine, an overlocker, a hand-quilting frame, and bags and boxes of other sewing stuff, piled in the hallway. My father suddenly decided that he needed to get rid of everything, and was going to put it out for the hard rubbish collection. I think I need another whole sewing room to house all this stuff!


Jeanette said...

Oh dear! If only it was a rainy day, then you know why you had saved this stuff.

chris said...

Or another lockdown, Vireya. (I'll bite my tongue!) Brisbane people thrown into an almighty panic - so ridiculous. Anyone would think you couldn't survive 3 days. I'm sure it'll be on your news hour.

Graeme said...

looks like a bit of a show pony. I doubt it will ever come out of the shed.

Julierose said...

That IS a lot of "stuff"..:)))
I know just what you mean that after you've thrown out something THEN you wish you hadn't...I find it really hard to cull items--even if they've just sat around for years unused...
good luck going through your boxes...hugs, Julierose

Pamela said...

Even in my small Japanese space I have a lot of stuff. It’s quite a bit less than I had in my big house in the US, but I am concerned about what would happen if I suddenly died. I am trying to finish projects. Really I am!

jacaranda said...

Perhaps you could have a stall at one of the country weekend markets...

Cherry said...

Maybe you need a Sewing She-shed of your own. I'm trying to be ruthless with stuff I have in boxes myself so I feel your pain.

Vivian said...

I second the She-Shed suggestion! Ok, don't think about ALL the boxes, just maybe try tackling two boxes a month to start. I think once you start going through them, momentum will take over.