Friday, February 23, 2018

Lots of Orange

A geum:

Runner beans:

A canna:

A graffiti geranium:

And several days of temperatures in the high 20's:
Week 39! The year is flying by.

23/02/2018    32.5    red
22/02/2018    23.9    yellow
21/02/2018    27.8    orange
20/02/2018    26.2    orange
19/02/2018    18.1    green
18/02/2018    28.1    orange
17/02/2018    28.6    orange
Temperatures are degrees C, so these are warm days. And even though it was rainy and overcast when I took the garden photos this morning, today ended up being a red day.

Linked to Sarah's weekly Wednesday Weather Report, here. And there is a sign that the seasons are beginning to change; one of Sarah's days this week was warmer than my coolest day!


Pamela said...

Great block and beautiful flowers!

Julierose said...

Lovely flowers sprinkled with rain drops--the colors are vibrant!! hugs for a great weekend Julierose

jacaranda said...

Orange is such a happy colour, despite it meaning we are having hot days in your weather quilt.

Sue SA said...

I definitely need more orange flowers in my garden, these look great! Little bit of rain here, just made for humid weather :(

Terry said...

The orange in the garden is bright and happy. The orande hexies suggest time to retreat to the cool and stitch.

hetty said...

Lovely flowers. Nice oranges. Can't wait for our temps to warm up to yours.

Ivani said...

Beautiful orange flowers and cute roseta for this week temperatures.
Have a great week.

Jeann of Melton said...

The gorgeous floral colours seem to match your 'weather colours'.

Sarah said...

The weather is definitely changing when my winter day is warmer than your summer day! I really like the flower show with your hexie rosette...and I hope we'll see more of your flowers!

Cherry said...

Beautiful, warm, friendly orange! Love the vibrant flowers.