Sunday, November 26, 2017

TreeProject Pick-Up

Only 11 days after last year's TreeProject trees were taken away, today was the first distribution of kits for this year's. The distribution point is in Kensington, so we offered to collect kits for the growers in the Ballarat area with our ute.

I forgot to take any photos of the pick-up. When we got back to Ballarat we delivered kits to three growers to save them coming to our place to collect them. Still no photos. But here's our kit:
Only one kit this year - 7 boxes which will potentially hold 336 trees.  They are for the same landholder as the last lot, and include a few of the same species. I hope we get better germination this year than last.

1 comment:

Jeanette said...

And I am sure you hope they get picked up in good time too. You do a great service for the environment, I think of you each time I pass a farm that has been re-treed.