Sunday, November 7, 2021

An Outing

Well rugged up, a bunch of intrepid folk went on a hunt for orchids and other wildflowers in Scarsdale and the Enfield State Park.


This is a tiger orchid, Diuris sulphurea:

I don't know how they get their common names, because it really doesn't say "tiger" to me.

This one should be called a "Costa" orchid, I think (for those familiar with Gardening Australia)

But it is actually called a purple beard orchid, Calochilus robertsonii.


Look at all those coats:

We were lucky it didn't rain though.


This was an amazing sight:

A mass of grass trigger plants, Stylidium graminifolium. Found in an unlikely place, an electricity transmission line easement:

This was the closest I found to an open sun orchid:

I think it is a spotted sun-orchid, Thelymitra ixioides. We had no sunshine all day, so it is not surprising the sun orchids were not out.

One of the highlights of the day was finding the rare Enfield grevillea, Grevillea bedggoodiana, which only grows in this little corner of the world:


jacaranda said...

A fabulous and successful day of flora spotting. I laughed at the Costa, all it needs is a pair of overalls and a wonky hat.

Jeanette said...

What a successful hunt. Really good photos of your finds too. The Grevillea is very pretty, someone had eagle eyes.

Pamela said...

You are so knowledgeable. I would like to go on one of these walks with you.