Sunday, November 21, 2021

Hospital Visit

 This is the intimidating door to the ward where Mum is:

Despite Mum having a negative covid test on Thursday, and another one on Friday, she is in the covid ward because that's where all new admissions go! When the hospital is certain the patient is free of covid, and a bed is available, the patient is moved to a regular ward. But apparently Mum is one of 3 covid-free patients in the covid ward waiting to be transferred. It is the same ward Dad was in in April, and he was never transferred out as he was too unwell to be moved. At that time there were no covid cases in the hospital. 

Now there are.

It is a bit scary to know that my 93-year-old unvaccinated (her choice) mother is in the same ward as actual covid cases. 

The view from Mum's room is much the same as the view was from Dad's.  The difference is in the seasons. Then we had grey sky and autumn leaves, now we have blue sky and fresh green spring leaves:

I'm not sure about the view inside the room. I was very worried about what I would be faced with, but in some ways it was not as bad as I had anticipated. Mum was lucid, recognised me, and knew what day it was. I was able to spend a couple of hours with her, including feeding her her lunch. Her fever is gone, as she is on IV antibiotics, but she is not well. 

I am not going to be allowed to visit her again in this ward. If she is transferred to another part of the hospital, I may be allowed to come and visit for care-giving reasons, such as feeding her.

This is the first mobile phone selfie I have ever taken. And possibly the last!


jacaranda said...

My thoughts are with you and your family.

Jeanette said...

Great selfie, good to see you with your Mum at last after the last worrying days. She looks very comfortable and must be reassured to have you nearby.

Ivani said...

Sending prayers and positive thoughts for you and your mom.

Pamela said...

I’m glad that you were able to visit and that she is lucid. I hope she can rest and get stronger.

Maria said...

Sending hugs at this worrying time..
Pleased you could visit youMum and she was lucid….

Julierose said...

Such a difficult time--but good that you were able to have a visit with her and she knew you; I remember only too well the times my Mom didn't recognize is quite shocking...I hope you Mom can get transferred out of the Covid ward soon. Sending prayers and good wishes your way...hugs, Julierose

Pam said...

Seems like poor planning on the part of the hospital. I am glad you were able to see your mom. Congrats on the selfie...who says we can't master advanced technology!