Thursday, April 2, 2020

Foaming Trees

Seen today while taking a long walk in the rain:

A bit of searching once I got home lead to the information that eucalyptus bark and leaves contain saponins, which foam when wet. They don't ooze out of the tree, but wash off the the leaves and bark  when it rains. The saponins are wetting agents, that help water to soak into the soil at the base of the tree.

When I saw the foaming trees I was amazed. But now I am more amazed that I don't remember ever seeing this phenomenon before.


jacaranda said...

Fascinating, looks like a waterfall flowing down the trunk.

Jeanette said...

By far the most interesting thing I have learned today. It is not like it hasn't rained for ages so It must be because you don't usually walk in the rain that you saw it for the first time.

jacaranda said...

P.S. I didn’t know this but the Koori use the foam to wash with.

Cherry said...

Wow - so interesting!

Pamela said...

Amazing. I haven't heard of this before, but I haven't lived near eucalyptus trees.