Wednesday, August 7, 2019

First Daffodil

This morning I noticed the first of our many daffodils has opened:
It is the first one I have noticed, anyway. Because in another part of the garden I found this poor thing:
which may have been open for a couple of days, but which it seems the slugs or snails found before I did.


Julierose said...

Your welcome to Spring--and here we are going into Autumn...
I need to make my Turkey runner!! Just have no energy after my tussle with "Le Needle" ;000 hugs, Julierose

jacaranda said...

Some little creature enjoyed a meal. My jonquils had lots of great foliage but not many blooms.

Sue SA said...

:( I hope the slugs dont eat many of the daffodils, such a happy flower in the garden this time of year.

Jeanette said...

"When the daffodils dance in the sun and the rain ...." Plenty of rain on the way.

Needled Mom said...

The snails and slugs are always near when the first buds appear in our yard. It's hard to stay ahead of them.