Lots of plants in the garden are waking up for spring. Here's what I found flowering today.
Spring stars:
The pink flowering quince was absolutely buzzing with bees:
But the red one which is also flowering seemed to have no bees in it at all.
In the orchard most of the plums have just about finished blossoming now. The nectarine is looking fabulous:
This peach is pretty:
And this almond is still going:
I think I can see some blueberries in the future:
Leaving the productive part of the garden, here are some hellebores turning lovely colours as they age:
The bergenia is covered in new flower spikes:
Several aloes are sending up flower spikes in the succulent garden:
All the leucadendrons are still flowering. This one is Leucadendron salignum "Jack Harre", a fairly recent addition to the garden:
My protea "Limelight" has a couple more flowers open:
Most of the red hot pokers (Kniphofia) are between flower flushes at the moment, but this one is still going:
Digger's speedwell, Veronica perfoliata, is planted in a few spots around the garden, and is just starting to flower again after a winter break:
I might skip a few because otherwise these posts get too long! Imagine some lavender and rosemary here, plus some yellow and some white daisies. Then there's some spring bulbs:
Imagine some snowflakes and grape hyacinths as well.
Some insect life:
Australian Painted Lady in the thrypomene above, and an unknown caterpillar in the forsythia below.
And an unidentified fly in a daisy:
Borage in front, euphorbias behind:
Behind here there are normally some abutilons, which I have noted before are always flowering. Only they aren't flowering at the moment because someone has "pruned" them back to the ground. Hopefully they will re-grow. There are also a small number of camellia flowers, but they are just about finished. The viburnum tinus further behind here is still covered in flowers.
Lastly, in my shade house, this orchid is still flowering:
That's it for the garden in September, but there are many plants budding up ready to bloom soon. October could be a big month.