Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Early Morning

Very early this morning a small flock of sulphur-crested cockatoos paid us a visit:
Instead of being destructive in the garden as they have been so many times before,
they stuck to the grassy areas, and helpfully pulled up thistles:

Meanwhile inside, a couple of peony buds I took out of the fridge earlier this week are opening up nicely:


Pink Rose said...

Hi Vireya glad they eat the thistles, once they visited us and destroyed a bed of cabbages they were shredded all over the garden and another time they pulled up our corn plants,lol not to mention what they do to the fruit trees,lol.
Wow your peony is gorgeous,i love the colour,hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

jacaranda said...

Who needs an alarm clock when you have the cockies, they fly over my house around 6am each morning.

Jeanette said...

Well behaved sulphur crested cockatoos are a delight.
A blow up photo of your stunning peony would look great on the wall.