Sunday, June 14, 2015

Verandah Posts

Our verandah posts are now vertical! Here's the verandah at the front entrance:

Some of that yellow timber is there as scaffolding for the carpenters to stand on. It will be open from roof to ground-level when it is all done.

Here's the back verandah:
A little work still to be done to finish this one. The posts will be trimmed to the same height eventually. But it is looking like the house is almost ready for its roof.

We spent a bit of time yesterday and today cutting and stacking wood around the cleared area, but I didn't photograph any of that. We were hoping the CFA would get to us this weekend to burn the off-cut branches and roots, but maybe that will happen next weekend now. On Saturday we also went shopping for kitchen appliances, which was fun, and we got some good deals in end-of-financial-year sales. Now we just need a kitchen to install them in.


jacaranda said...

So exciting, another stage on the go and before you know it, a real house on your block, not just construction work.

Terry said...

The bricks look warm and inviting. The verandah 's contribute to the building looking like house.

Cherry said...

The house is really taking shape & looking great! Congrats on the kitchen appliance deals - they kitchen will surely be coming soon.