Sunday, October 12, 2014

Jack at the Dog Park

One kilometre from here there is an "off-leash" park. For the last few days we've been taking Jack there for a run in the morning after breakfast, and again late in the day. It increases my daily step count, and wears Jack out so that he is much calmer with the old dogs at home.

On Sundays the park is particularly busy. Here's some of the dogs Jack met and played chasey with this morning:

And this evening. This was one race Jack was never going to win - the whippet didn't have to even try:
Jack has a great time chasing and being chased. But he's not so sure about huge dogs like this husky:
After walking a kilometre, then running around for probably 2 or 3 more, then walking another kilometre back home, Jack is ready to sit quietly - at least for a while!


Chiara Z said...

Wouldn't it be nice if some of that energy could be siphoned off for those in need . . .

Cherry said...

He's quite the handsome boy! And it looks like he's having a blast. Lovely park for the dogs to be off leash for their run time.