Sunday, January 26, 2014

Fourteen Fruitboxes

Every year at about this time the TreeProject growing season starts. In case you aren't familiar with TreeProject, here's a quote from their website:
"TreeProject provides opportunities for people to get involved and do something practical for the environment by growing indigenous seedlings in their own backyards. We provide volunteer growers with training, support and growing materials needed to set up a ‘home nursery’ and successfully grow strong healthy seedlings."

So here's my "home nursery" for this year:
In about six months from now, each of these boxes will hold 48 seedlings ready to be planted out in revegetation schemes. This year I have five eucalypt species, two acacias, and a callistemon, all destined for a Landcare group in central Victoria. According to the paperwork I collected today, this is the 12th year I have grown TreeProject seedlings. Some years I had seven boxes of seedlings rather than 14, but all together it is about 4,500 trees!


Ivani said...

Very interisting. Are you biologist or agronomist? 4,500 trees the Planet is thankful. hugs

Cherry said...

That's an amazing amount of trees - 4,500 and still growing!! I'll be watching for progress pictures. We don't have those species in this part of the world so watching them grow will be particularly interesting.

Maria said...

Such a wonderful thing you are doing, Vireya...and you've been doing it for so long too and all those seedlings you've propagated in that time...amazing! Your efforts would be making such a difference :-)