Thursday, September 1, 2022


 Happy Wattle Day!

This is a blackwood, or Acacia melanoxylon, flowering for wattle day.

Other signs of spring include grape hyacinths:

and daffodils:

When we were out walking this afternoon, the dogs alerted us to an echidna:

We often see evidence of them digging out ant nests, but this is the first one we have actually seen since last summer.

In the sewing room I made some more Positivity blocks, then pinned them up to see how they look:

I made the first couple in June, but only started working on them again in the last week. With a border this will be large enough for a donation quilt, so I might just sew them together now rather than make more. Although they are a bit of fun to make so who knows?

Happy spring to my southern hemisphere friends.


Pamela said...

Happy Spring to you! I love the positivity blocks! The echidna is such a strange thing. I kind of feel sorry for it because it is so odd looking, but I guess others of its own kind don’t think so. Daffodils are a sure sign of spring.

Ivani said...

Happy Spring!
Here we are under low temperatures in the morning and at night, and by middle of the month a new very cold polar wave will hit us. Beaitiful flowers on your garden. Love the colors of your Positivity blocks.

Cheryll said...

Happy start to SPRinG.... I love all your flower pics...
Positivity is looking great too...well done...xox

Jeanette said...

A great start to Spring! Echidna sightings are so special. I worry when I see one ambling along the side of the road and hope they stay off the bitumen.

Anonymous said...

Lovely flowers & happy spring! it's so nice to see the warmer Spring weather starting. Your positivity blocks are looking good.

jacaranda said...

I love how one day, you wake up and the bulbs and spring flowers have started blooming overnight.

Vivian said...

Happy Spring! Love that the flowering has begun! Cool, learned about the Wattle today and always lovely to see that Daffodils are also a announce Spring on your side of the world. Preeti's "Positivity" block reminded me of Bonnie Hunter's "Garlic Knots". I like that it's a "Disappearing 4-Patch" construction. Will have to try that one day!