Thursday, September 15, 2022

The Garden in September

September might be the beginning of spring, but a lot of the garden is still looking like winter. Here's what is flowering now, although I'll warn you some of the photos are not in properly in focus as I had somehow stuffed up my camera's settings. 

Let's start with a nice long view that shows several leucadendrons, the leafless wattle, and my big rusty ball:

(Compare it with this photo from 2018

Things have grown a bit!)



My "Limelight" protea has a couple of open flowers and quite a few buds to come:

Last month the Ovens Wattle was just starting to flower, now all those buds have opened:

This, on the other hand, is a bud that won't be opening:

Half-eaten magnolia bud. I don't know what ate it. Sadly most of the buds on my magnolia failed to develop this year. This is one of only 2 or 3 that were going to open. So now I can only look forward to 1 or 2 flowers.

I won't include photos of all the orchard blossom -  see my previous post for that.

Euphorbias and Viburnum tinus:

Camellia "Volunteer":

and camellia "Fragrant Pink" - or Fragrant something - I've forgotten and it is dark and rainy as I write this, so I'm not going out to check!

 Some of the sea of daffodils:

 A couple of sad-looking Lachenalia:

I'm sure there were more than two originally, but I think they had been forgotten about. I'd forgotten them, anyway! They haven't been weeded, and perhaps they don't like it as wet as it has been.

Hyacinth past its best, but just to record that they are still there:

Lastly, one of the cyclamens:

It seems I've skipped the daisies, the rosemary, lavender, and I'm not sure what else.  But I went back and looked at previous September garden posts, and there were a lot more flowers then than there are this year.

Maybe October will be more floriferous!


Ivani said...

Here there are bees that "eat" my azaleas, they pierce the closed buds to get the nectar, I think. Anyway, your garden is begining to look like Spring Time.

Jeanette said...

Enjoyed the long shots showing the way your garden is developing so beautifully.

Needled Mom said...

Your flowers are so pretty in any season. It's a real shame about the magnolia blossoms. They are such pretty flowers.

Pamela said...

Your garden is always so pretty. I love to see your flowers.

Vivian said...

Your gardens in Spring are always sooo beautiful! Wow, those plants really filled in wonderfully around the "rusty ball". Are those natural plants or were they planted specifically for the space? It is always interesting to see how the weather or creatures affect what come up. You can always rely on those daffodils though!