Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Early Morning Wildlife

 When I got up this morning, I glanced out the window and saw this:

A couple of kookaburras on the birdbath, and one of our family of magpies wandering past.

Two minutes later I looked out in a different direction, and saw this:

A swamp wallaby! Eating grass, not the daylilies, fortunately.

The pictures are a bit indistinct due to the low light. All this wildlife (and me) were up before the sun.


Jeanette said...

Wonderful! The wallaby looks quite at home.

ButterZ said...

I love the kookaburras and the wallaby. Have a very safe and happy festive season. Happy sewing planning for 2022

Julierose said...

Neat wildlife photos...and right outside your window, too...thanks for sharing...
hugs, Julierose

Needled Mom said...

It pays to get up early! It's fun to see the different wildlife in your area.

Pamela said...

How cool to be able to see these animals so close.