Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Field Trip

 We went on an excursion!

For the first time since our trip to the Western Treatment Plant in March, we were able to go out on a field trip. We are limited to groups of 10 at present, but only 7 attended this afternoon of orchid hunting.

All in masks, and generally keeping up the social distancing. Although at times the excitement of finding tiny delights almost overcame the need to keep apart.

Here are a few of the orchids we found.

Purple beard orchid (Calochilus robertsonii):


Spotted sun orchid (Thelymitra ixioides):


Tiger orchid (Diuris sulphurea):

And spider orchids, although this one is actually called an eastern mantis orchid (Caladenia tentaculata):

There were lots of other tiny non-orchid wildflowers, and the occasional moth or butterfly.

I found that wearing a mask on a day when the temperature reaches close to 30 is not fun. It wasn't just the mask - I had on thick shoes and socks for protection against bitey things, and long trousers, long sleeves and a hat for sun protection. I hope the requirement to wear masks outdoors will be relaxed before summer, now that we are having doughnut days (days of 0 new covid cases). 

Hooray for field trips! Hooray for doughnut days!


jacaranda said...

Magic little blooms. Did you watch Gardening Australia on Friday night? There was a segment on tiny wild orchids in S.A.

Jeanette said...

Fabulous photos of these tiny beauties. What a perfect first excursion in the new time of freedom (despite the heat discomfort).

Ivani said...

how interesting your group's field research. Is this a non-governmental study?
My daughter is a biologist and would love to accompany you.
Beautiful orchids you found. ♥

Pamela said...

Your posts are better than going to the botanical garden.