Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Surprise Creature

Pictures from the wildlife camera early yesterday morning:
A creature I had no idea lived around here:
It's a sugar glider! (Petaurus breviceps)
Where there is one, there is probably a family. They would have plenty to eat here at the moment, as the messmate stringybarks are flowering all over our block. Every morning flocks of dozens of lorikeets and wattlebirds have their breakfast in our trees.


jacaranda said...

That is magic, watching the Fire concert, they said 1 billion creatures lost in the fires, so thrilled that your block is home to a native animal.

Maria said...

Yes I agree with Jacaranda. Beautiful you have a lovely home for many different wildlife.

Jeanette said...

How fantastic! So good that the glider did a twirl for you in front of the camera so you could see its charm from all angles.

Sue SA said...

How exciting to discover a sugar glider, so hope there is a family of baby sugar gliders!

Wendy said...

Oh WOW - Sugar gliders!! that beats my Ringtail doing a tightrope walk on the power line!