Thursday, September 12, 2019

Bright Spots

This camellia:
I've mentioned before that we have not had a lot of luck with camellias here so far. But this is the second one to flower this year. Last month I posted a picture of "Yuletide" just about to open, but I forgot to get a picture of it when it did. This one is "Volunteer", and it has two open flowers and several more big fat buds.

Daffodils lining the path to the arbour:
These were the ones planted with the "garden auger" drill bit in early June.


Sue SA said...

Beautiful colour and lovely centre ruffle. Mine are big and open flowers and seem to fall apart. Your daffodil lined path is lovely!

jacaranda said...

We planted a Camellia on the weekend, same colour, called "Roger Hall". Beautiful contrast between the traditional bulbs and your bush setting.

Jeanette said...

I'd like to say you worked hard for your garden path lined with daffodils, but I remember how easy you said the auger made the planting. Hope you get some time to relax in the arbour.