Thursday, September 6, 2018

Lal Lal Citrus

When we first moved here, one of the neighbours told us that no-one in the area could successfully grow lemons. That was a challenge. Here is our row of citrus trees, planted in the walled garden:

They are facing east, so get the morning sun. The wall behind them holds heat and protects them from cold winds and frost. They are not very big yet, but so far we have had home-grown lemons, a couple of limes, and now this:
A crop of oranges!


jacaranda said...

Well done, there is something about the smell and taste of homegrown produce.

Jeanette said...

Maybe they heard about the challenge too and were prepared to rise to the occasion. Understanding how important heat is and how to make the most of it has worked well for you. Good job!

Wendy said...

Good for you!! I like the idea of a walled garden.
Do you have Blood Oranges in? A neighbour of ours has one and says they need the chill to turn the flesh Red.

Needled Mom said...

Oh yeah! That is exciting.