Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The Garden in March

Lots of flowers this month, so skip over this post if that's not your thing.


Only the daylilies close to the house are flowering. I found out why one morning when there was a wallaby munching its way through the daylilies at the edge of the garden. I took photos, then forgot I had and deleted everything on my camera. So no photographic evidence!

Propeller plant:


Crepe myrtles:

There are three in this photo. The one furthest from the camera has dropped a lot of its flowers now. But one of the ones not in the photo now has buds, so I wonder if it will manage to flower before the frosts start.



A couple of buddleias:

Viburnum tinus starting again:



Fuchsia covered in flowers:

Last month I mentioned that this Phygelius aequalis "Yellow trumpet"was lucky to still have some flowers, as I had seen some crimson rosellas biting off the flowers to get at the nectar. Well they have been back:


A colourful bunch - hollyhocks, foxgloves, zinnias, delphiniums, and an echinacea:

Salvias, lavender, penstemon and belladonna lilies in one of the garden beds at the front of the house:

Melaleuca? But which one? (Need to look for the tag).



 White belladonna lilies:

Let's finish with these:

That is several Haemanthus coccineus, or blood lily, flowers emerging from the ground. They open to look like this:

And then, like the belladonna lilies, will grow leaves later.

That's it for the March garden, although I probably missed things as I wandered around. If you made it to the end, I hope you enjoyed it.


Julierose said...

Love that rim of color on the daylily--mine get eaten by the deer--they think it's dessert planted especially for them!!;000 We don't see them for weeks, and when the DL's appear they come back!! Hugs, Julierose

Needled Mom said...

The flowers are all so pretty. I love that last blood lily.

Marie Králová said...

Beautiful flowers. M.

Jeanette said...

It must give you great pleasure wandering through your beautiful garden. Flowers for every season.

Pamela said...

I love your garden posts.

Dee said...

Vireya, your garden is looking lovely!I think your shrub may be Melaleuca coccinea.