Monday, October 7, 2019

Violet Babies

Ten propagated African violet babies, moved into Masrac wicking pots:
There is actually more than one baby growing in each of these, so some time when they have grown larger I will have to separate them.

The remaining leaves which have not yet successfully reproduced themselves have had a trim:
On Gardening Australia this week someone suggested that cutting the veins of leaves helps to persuade them to reproduce. They were talking about begonias, not African violets, but I thought maybe it was worth a try for these two leaves which haven't done anything in four and a half months.


Julierose said...

Your violet babies are coming along so well...hugs, Julierose

jacaranda said...

They are growing well.

Sue SA said...

I have two in identical pots in same spot and one flourishes and the other looks wilted, go figure! I pulled all the flowers and most of the external leaves off (are some new leaves in centre) to see if that resurrected it or kills it! So I am most interested in your experiment outcome.

Pamela said...

I love African violets. I had many when I lived in the US. Yours look great. You must have a green thumb.

Jeanette said...

So happy to see this new generation of plants doing so well. It is not by accident.