Saturday, July 2, 2016

Democracy Day

First election since moving here. That meant finding a handy polling booth. The nearest booths are 12km to the north-west or 13kms to the south. I went north-west, but from the time I arrived at the booth to the time I finished voting took an hour. Later I learned that there was no queue at all at the booth to the south, so I'll probably vote there in future.

After voting I went to a guild "sit and sew". I took along my UFO for this month, Bonnie Hunter's Easy Street mystery:
I got the five pieces all sewn together quite quickly. Having a large space to spread out in helped. I hadn't expected to get that much done, so I didn't take the borders with me. That was a shame!

Tonight I'm watching the close election result. It's an interesting evening!


Ivani said...

Hope your vote was the winner. Here we have especific places to vote, very interisting to know that in Australia you can choose the booth for voting. What a pit you didn't carry the borders. Called my attentiona that the sewing machine in your picture has a ramp, is it an expecific table for quilting? Have a great weekend!

Jeanette said...

But were there sausages at the booth? The queue for them at my local school was a bit long and rain threatened so I bought a plant instead. Now have a democracy maidenhair.