Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The View From There

One day last week the slab was poured for the new house being built across the road from us. The next day, wall frames were delivered. Yesterday morning as I was going next-door to photograph my quilt, I noticed that the walls of the new house were starting to go up:
I hadn't really noticed before, but since they cleared so many trees, we can now see the roof of the house behind theirs, in the next street over.

A lot more of the frame was erected during the day. Last night after they had finished working, we went over to see just how much of our house will be visible to the new neighbours.

This is the view through a window of what appears to be an en-suite at the front of their house:
They can really only see the roof of our house.

Standing at their front door, and zooming-in:
They can't see our front door. So even though we will be able to see their house, we don't need to feel like we are being overlooked by the neighbours.

We have also planted a few more things along that side of our garden, to grow up and help screen the view.


jacaranda said...

Fingers crossed it is not a double story home being built.

Jeanette said...

What a reassuring test run. With planting that puts foliage between the tree trunks you will not see it at all in a very short time.

Sue SA said...

We love our bottle brushes on the boundary they do a good job of screening. But trying to grow a few more things as well....as new neighbour cut down the screen on their side of the fence :(