Thursday, September 8, 2011

Shopping Around

After several months of not being able to see clearly enough to sew, I had my eyes tested last week. But then I had to visit two other optometrist branches before I found frames that were comfortable. Today I picked up my reading glasses, and next week the ones I will use for sewing and computer work should be ready.  I'm looking forward to that!
Here they are sitting on some fabric I found at one nearby fabric shop, on a table marked $2 per metre. The saleslady told me that only meant "From $2 per metre", but I got her to scan it anyway. Yes, it really was only $2, so I bought the rest of the roll while the saleslady shook her head and muttered about bargains. I think she was wishing she had seen it first! The camera isn't representing the colours well.

In the other nearby fabric shop, I saw this:
Those large cutting mats sell for about $60 each, and are clearly labelled that they must be stored flat. Looks like several hundred dollars of ruined inventory!


Nikki said...

Yikes... those mats!!! What are they DOING???

kaiteM said...

how silly letting them fold over like that. a good bargain for the top material, and nice new glasses, seeing clearly is vital. maybe the 2nd shop owner needs new specs also.